I'm Jennifer Cross.

I am a roboticist,
educator, and scientist.







Conducting the Pilot Study of Integrating AI: An Experience Integrating Machine Learning into Upper Elementary Robotics Learning (Work in Progress)

Xu, G.; Zabner, D.; Cross, J. L.; Nadler, D. R.; Coxon, S. V.; Engelkenjohn, K.
2023 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings | ©2023 American Society for Engineering Education

Using robotics to enhance middle school science learning: Examining teachers’ design goals for integrated lessons

Bernstein, D.; Cassidy, M.; Mutch-Jones, K.; Cross, J.
2023 American Education Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting | ©2023 The Authors.


Robots in Science: How middle school science teachers design integrated robotics units for their science classes

Bernstein, D.; Cassidy, M.; Mutch-Jones, K.; Cross, J.
2022 International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS) | ©2022 ISLS

An Interactive Robot Platform for Introducing Reinforcement Learning to K-12 Students

Zhang, Z.; Willner-Giwerc, S.; Sinapov, J.; Cross, J.; Rogers, C.
Robotics in Education 2021. | ©2022 The Authors, under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG In: Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1359; Merdan, M. et al. (eds)


Leveraging tangible interfaces in primary school math: Pilot testing of the Owlet math program

Zito, L.; Cross, J. L.; Brewer, B.; Speer, S.; Tasota, M.; Hamner, E.; Johnson, M.; Lauwers, T.; Nourbakhsh, I.
International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction - March 2021 | ©2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.


Smell Pittsburgh: Engaging Community Citizen Science for AirQuality

Hsu, Y. C.; Cross, J.; Dille, P.; Tasota, M.; Dias, B.; Sargent, R.; Huang, T. H.; Nourbakhsh, I.
ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems - Volume 10 Issue 4 | ©2020 ACM


Smell Pittsburgh: Community-Empowered Mobile Smell Reporting System

Y.-C. Hsu, J. Cross, P. Dille, M. Tasota, B. Dias, R. S., T.-H. (K.) Huang, and I. Nourbakhsh
2019 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI ‘19) | ©2019 ACM


Visualization Tool for Environmental Sensing and Public Health Data

Y.-C. Hsu, J. Cross, P. Dille, I. Nourbakhsh, L. Leiter, and R. Grode
2018 ACM Conference Companion Publication on Designing Interactive Systems (DIS ‘18 Companion) | ©2018 ACM pdf


Student Outcomes from the Evaluation of a Transdisciplinary Middle School Robotics Program

J. Cross, E. Hamner, L. Zito, and I. Nourbakhsh
2017 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference | ©2017 IEEE pdf

Development and Results from User Testing of a Novel Robotics Kit Supporting Systems Engineering for Elementary-Aged Students

E. Hamner, L. Zito, J. Cross, M. Tasota, P. Dille, S. Fulton, M. Johnson, I. Nourbakhsh, and J. Schapiro
2017 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference | ©2017 IEEE pdf

Creative Robotic Systems for Talent-Based Learning

J. Cross
Doctoral Dissertation, Carnegie Mellon University | ©2017 Jennifer Cross pdf

Community-Empowered Air Quality Monitoring System

Y.-C. Hsu, P. Dille, J. Cross, B. Dias, R. Sargent, and I. Nourbakhsh
CHI 2017 | ©2017 ACM pdf


Engineering and Computational Thinking Talent in Middle School Students: a Framework for Defining and Recognizing Student Affinities

J. Cross, E. Hamner, L. Zito, and I. Nourbakhsh
2016 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference | ©2016 IEEE pdf

Development of an Assessment for Measuring Middle School Student Attitudes towards Robotics Activities

J. Cross, E. Hamner, L. Zito, I. Nourbakhsh, and D. Bernstein
2016 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference | ©2016 IEEE pdf

Training Teachers to Integrate Engineering into Non- Technical Middle School Curriculum

E. Hamner, J. Cross, L. Zito, D. Bernstein, and K. Mutch-Jones
2016 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference | ©2016 IEEE pdf

Utilizing Engineering to Teach Non-Technical Disciplines : Case Studies of Robotics within Middle School English and Health Classes

E. Hamner, L. Zito, J. Cross, B. Slezak, S. Mellon, H. Harapko, and M. Welter
2016 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference | ©2016 IEEE pdf

Robots and Romeo and Juliet: Studying Teacher Integration of Robotics into Middle School Curricula

D. Bernstein, K. Mutch-Jones, E. Hamner, and J. Cross
2016 International Conference of the American Educational Research Association | ©2016 D. Bernstein pdf


Arts & Bots: Application and Outcomes of a Secondary School Robotics Program

J. Cross, E. Hamner, C. Bartley, and I. Nourbakhsh
2015 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference | ©2015 IEEE pdf


Identifying and Cultivating Diverse STEM Talent through Creative Robotics

J. Cross and E. Hamner
2014 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition


A Visual Robot-Programming Environment for Multidisciplinary Education

J. Cross, C. Bartley, E. Hamner, and I. Nourbakhsh
2013 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation | ©2013 IEEE pdf

Arts & Bots: Techniques for distributing a STEAM robotics program through K-12 classrooms

E. Hamner and J. Cross
2013 IEEE Integrated STEM Education Conference | ©2013 IEEE pdf


ChargeCar community conversions: Practical, electric commuter vehicles now!

H. B. Brown, I. Nourbakhsh, C. Bartley, J. Cross, P. Dille, J. Schapiro and A. Styler
2012 IEEE International Electric Vehicle Conference (IEVC) | ©2012 IEEE


Extensive meteoroid fragmentation in V/UHF radar meteor observations at Arecibo Observatory

J. D. Mathews, S. J. Briczinski, A. Malhotra, and J. Cross
Geophysical Research Letters, Volume 37, Issue 4, February 2010 | ©2010 American Geophysical Union


Classification and Radio Science Modeling of Radar Meteor Echoes

J. Cross and J. D. Mathews
Annual Research Journal of the Electrical Engineering Research Experience for Undergraduates, Vol. 7, August 2009 | pdf

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